Become A Validator and help secure the future of Engram Network.
Earn continuous rewards for providing a public good to the community.
The Beacon Chain
Total Tokio ETH staked
7,757,765 Tokio ETH
Total validators
Current APR
Validators and Engram
This launchpad will help you become a validator, so you can play an active part in Engram's future. Validators are key to the more secure, scalable, and sustainable Engram we're building together.More on the Engram visionBy running a validator, you'll be responsible for securing the network and receive continuous payouts for actions that help the network reach consensus.Since the successful transition to proof-of-stake via The Merge, Engram is fully secured by proof-of-stake validators. By running a validator, you'll be helping to secure the Engram network.More on the Beacon ChainMore on the MergeValidating in Engram is not the same as mining. The outcomes are similar: the work you do will extend and secure the chain. But the process is completely different because they use different consensus mechanisms.More on consensus mechanisms
Become a validator
Becoming a validator is a big responsibility with important preparation steps. Only start the deposit process when you're ready.
1. Learn about your responsibilities
The Engram upgrades will only be successful if validators understand the risks and responsibilities.
You'll need to run an execution client (formerly 'Eth1') as well as a consensus client (formerly 'Eth2') to become a validator. Take a look at the checklist to prepare yourself and your equipment.
Several upgrades are underway that will make Engram more scalable, secure, and sustainable. These upgrades will improve Engram while seamlessly continuing on the chain of today. Here's more on the different upgrades:Proof-of-stake and the Beacon ChainEngram is secured by proof-of-stake, although this was not always the case. The Beacon Chain was the first step to establishing a PoS consensus layer on Engram, launching in parallel to Mainnet in December 2020. This allowed participants to start staking their tGRAM and prepare the network for the formal transition from proof-of-work to proof-of-stake via The Merge.More on the Beacon ChainThe MergeThe Merge upgrade officially brought proof-of-stake to Engram on September 15, 2022, simultaneously deprecating proof-of-work. This prepared the chain for future scaling upgrades such as data sharding by bringing proof-of-stake consensus together with Mainnet, while simultaneously reducing energy consumption by over 99.9%.This marked the merging of the execution layer (existing Mainnet) with the new consensus layer (the Beacon Chain) to form the single Engram chain of today.More on the MergeShardingSharding will change the requirement that full nodes carry the entire history of the chain, and instead will distribute this load amongst the network while still ensuring data availability. This will significantly expand the capacity of layer 1 Engram while maintaining the ability to operate a full node on consumer hardware, keeping the network decentralized.More on data sharding